Luiz Ribeiro
08/05/2017 – Segunda-feira
18:00 às 19:00
Sala: Auditório do CCSA II
The main energy source in Poland is obtained from the coal-fired power plants which contribute to increase the GHG concentration in atmosphere. This paper aims to measure the distributional impact of the EU 2020 climate and energy package on the Polish economy. We take into consideration different carbon tax levels and assess the effects over welfare and income for ten different household groups based on the 2010 data. Additionally, we analyze the volume of impact for selected industries. The following databases are used: Poland Input-Output Matrix, microdata from Household Budget Survey, and emissions data from the National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE). Leontief price model is developed, considering the Polish input-output matrix weighted by the intensity of GHG emission of each industry. We consider alternative taxation scenarios under the European Union’s Emissions Trading System, where the carbon tax ranges between 16.275 and 30 euro/ton of GHG emissions. Our main results show a significant reduction in emissions (between 4.97 and 8.53%), and a small negative impact on domestic output (from -0.86 to -1.53%). We find that the income and welfare losses are relatively lower for the four richest household groups. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning is the most affected industry, followed in a much lower scale by Waste collection; Sewerage and remediation services; Agriculture and Non-metallic mineral products.